Saturday, March 31, 2012

March 2012 in Review

2-3 weeks early.
As I mentioned in a previous post I have stopped logging my mileage online, and have moved solely to chicken scratch record-keeping with pen and paper.  I've continued to "keep track" of weekly mileage and time but it is particularly less formal and simply less to look at - so far I've enjoyed this psychological freedom from the heinous mileage wager I had been in.  Here is what I collected: 

Feb. 27-4:    33 miles (4:20:07)
March 5-11:    52 miles (6:42:01)
March 12-18:  41 miles (5:26:49)
March 19-25:  70 miles (10:49:10) – Terrapin Mtn. 50k

Total for March:  221 miles (30:52:32)

January:  535 miles (69:34:15)
February:  476 miles (65:18:24)
Total Year:  1,232 miles

As pictured, mileage has dropped substantially.  The beginning of the month was a time to rid myself of tight leg muscles and body fatigue that had built in January and February.  I have spent a lot more time daily (that is not shown in weekly time) stretching and performing drills to increase flexibility and movement.  Results are slow but noticeable to this point - in the long run I suspect it being beneficial.  The less miles and added mobility has given me a newfound pep in my stride over gnarly trails and hills.  Performance did not seem to decrease in the Terrapin Mtn. 50k either; if anything, it was beneficial to slash the mileage.
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Happily Running.


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